Thursday, May 20, 2021

Modest proposal essay examples

Modest proposal essay examples

modest proposal essay examples

 · Modest Proposal - Free Essay Example | For preventing the poor people on streets, from taking our sidewalk side space and money, and making them beneficial to the economy. By Hailey Wright When you are walking the streets of downtown, and all you see is smelly, dirty homeless people begging for money/5(27)  · Jonathan Swift’s “A Modest Proposal” is a satire that uses narratorial tone and rhetorical devices to create a persuasive argument for the very thing Swift rails against: the consumption of children. Swift builds to his ‘surprise’ ending through the construction of a seemingly-logical argument concerning the overpopulation of the poor, however this argument is based on a series A Modest Proposal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - words - 1. In “A Modest Proposal,” Jonathon Swift attempts to provide a solution to the growing problem of children that cannot be financially supported by their parents. According

Modest Proposal - Free Essay Example |

For preventing the poor people on streets, from modest proposal essay examples our sidewalk side space and money, and making them beneficial to the economy. By Hailey Wright When you are walking the streets of downtown, and all you see is smelly, dirty homeless people begging for money. All they do is take up all the space on the sidewalks with their cardboard signs and begging for money, annoying people while they walk by the homeless because they are scary and harmful. Instead of them trying to find a job, modest proposal essay examples, theyre always asking for money and when they do get money, they never use it for food and water, theyll most likely modest proposal essay examples it on drugs.

Homeless people make our cities look horrible, dirty and poor which gives our cities a bad reputation. Theyre a burden to our society and something needs to be done about it. There is no reason for such dirty people to be modest proposal essay examples of what seems to be a clean society. The homeless are bringing down the look of this society and environment.

The look they are giving our environment is a poor, dirty, uninviting look that scares people away. As a proposal, they should be forced to work extra hard so that the higher class of society dont have to work as hard. After all the homeless are taking up all of the space for free, so they might as well do all of the dirty work no one else has any interest in doing, to get it over with. Maybe that will make them seem like a less of a burden to our society. If that does not work, we can just ship them off to an island for the homeless so we do not have to worry about them anymore.

But it also makes since to place these people in some type of imprisonment too, modest proposal essay examples. That will clean up the streets for sure, modest proposal essay examples. With help from these proposals there should be no reason for such dirty people to continue to be apart of our society. Once the homeless is gone, the city will become more inviting, and appealing to visitors, this might even make some want to stay.

Firstly, we could build more homeless shelters and provide them with more resources to feed them and help them get back on their feet. Secondly, we can could take abandon houses and instead of tearing them down or just letting them rot away we could turn them into homes for them homeless.

Thirdly, we could give them jobs and help them little jobs like cleaning up the roads or cutting the grass for government buildings just to help them make a little bit of money, modest proposal essay examples. But none of that will work because no one is willing to put in the work help out others when they need it most, they are just selfish and only care about themselves.

I do not have any real intentions in trying to imprison people or send them away just because they do not have a place to sleep or anything to eat. We just need to help others out more and help these people find modest proposal essay examples way to seek shelter and food.

Weather we do this by sending more food to food backs and shelters or weather it be helping them find jobs there is a real solution here that can be taken to fix this epidemic. The amount of homeless people in the United States is ridiculous and we should really do something about it because people are suffering. Modest Proposal. com, May 17, Accessed May 19, comMay We will send an essay sample to you in 2 Hours. If you need help faster you can always use our custom writing service.

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A Modest Proposal Essays

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modest proposal essay examples

Modest proposal Essays Modest Proposal. For preventing the poor people on streets, from taking our sidewalk side space and money, and making Illegal Transportations of Substances. For preventing the uneducated inmates of the United States of America to stay A Modest Proposal by Jonathan Swift  · Political satire has long been a standard method of political and social commentary. Jonathan Swift's essay "A Modest Proposal" is a prime example of how satire is a powerful vehicle for raising awareness about critical social and political issues, but doing so in a A Modest Proposal for Homeless People Essay Example Once they have departed the city will become much nicer and much more populated cause new people will actually want to stay in the city. We think the proposal points out some advantages: For, First, as we have already observed, that’s the perfect solution to end homeless problem in Canada, housing them in the blogger.comted Reading Time: 4 mins

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