Thursday, May 20, 2021

Essay on gun control

Essay on gun control

essay on gun control

Gun Control Law and Legal Definition | USLegal, Inc Gun control refers to legal measures taken to prevent the possession and use of firearms, also, it also restricts sale and transfer of firearms by the normal citizens. Gun control, especially in the most developed countries, is strict however in others it is a fraught political issue. The Gun Control Act of , that deals [ ] Gun control are policies meant to control the manufacture, sale, ownership or use of firearms by the civilians. The debate on gun control has been hitting the headlines in our media due to the current rise in crime rates in the United States. Most criminal activities are carried out with the help of firearm for [ ]

Gun Control, Argumentative Essay Sample

James Q. His claim that people need guns to defend themselves is at times convincing, he does not provide enough evidence to convince his audience that police frisks will solve the issue of gun violence, instead just seemingly if his solution is a better option than more gun legislation.

Along with his dismissal of gun-control advocates and his lack of consideration for the consequences of increased police frisking finds his argument to not be very effective. He begins by providing us with statistics that he believes proves that most gun violence is committed with illegally owned guns Wilson After essay on gun control his audience to his solution of police frisking, he quickly gives into the constitutionality of the essay on gun control, using the Supreme Court case Terry v.

Ohio as justification for its legality Wilson Wilson then provides us with reasons that police departments essay on gun control officers currently do not frisk many people, from the shortage of officers to the fear of being accused of police harassment Wilson He states in the majority of the essay to put down the pro-gun control argument, before briefly mentioning the possibility of frisking being disproportionally performed on minority men in his closing paragraph Wilson What about the increase in the number of arrests that is sure to follow?

What about the danger to police officers? With my uncle being a police officer, I know firsthand how unpredictable some people can essay on gun control. Wilson ignores the social injustices that a nationwide increase in police frisking would invite, thereby greatly bringing down the credibility of his argument, essay on gun control. His pro-frisk argument focuses almost exclusively on the legality of the practice but does not provide a single example of a place where similar policies were implemented and then succeeded in bringing down the level of gun violence or even reducing the number of illegal guns on the streets Wilson He goes back to why self-defense is a legitimate reason to cut down on gun control, which to the reader might seem as if he is trying to avoid discussing known successes or failures of stop-and-frisk policies Wilson I personally grew up in a conservative household.

My family and I have respect for the opinions of other people, even those we do not necessarily agree with, such as gun control supporters. This behavior makes it seem as if Wilson is writing this paper to point out what he perceives as flaws in the pro-gun control argument and is simply using police frisking for a topic to get people to read his essay.

I believe that if Wilson would have spent less time on bashing gun-control advocates and more time pointing out facts and statistics that would help persuade readers of the effectiveness of police frisking, his essay would have been much more effective. I will give Wilson credit for a few things he did right. Being more truthful, police frisks are often very invasive and rough, essay on gun control, sometimes preceded by being thrown to the ground or shoved up against a patrol car as seen on television.

Some people might see these as more of a negative of his essay on gun control because he is being somewhat deceitful, but it was well executed by the author and was one of the few things that helped his paper reach out to more readers rather than push readers away. His argument for the usefulness of guns in the realm of self-defense is, as I said before, somewhat convincing, essay on gun control. In conclusion, I believe gun control advocates would find his point of view more offensive than persuasive, and minorities might feel as if Wilson is sacrificing their rights for the greater good of society.

I believe that with the right guidelines put in place and the proper training given to officers, frisks could be more of an effective practice in lowering the number of illegal guns on the streets. The Issues On Gun Control, essay on gun control. com, Apr 15, Accessed May 19, comApr We will send an essay sample to you in 2 Hours. If you need help faster you can always use our custom writing service. The Issues essay on gun control Gun Control.

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The Issues On Gun Control - Free Essay Example |

essay on gun control

Mar 21,  · Patrice Tseh Professor Worke E 03/21/ Synthesis Essay Gun Control in The United States Guns. Instruments that were once used specifically, in war environments are now flooding the streets and putting the people in danger. It usually was safe for people to go out to enjoy entertaining events such as concerts Jan 06,  · 3 Steps in Writing a Gun Control Essay Whether you are writing an argumentative, expository, research, or any other type of paper, the first thing to do is to In your essay’s body, present other important facts and issues on the topic. One option is to use studies that have One option is to Gun Control Law and Legal Definition | USLegal, Inc

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