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Mesopotamia essay

Mesopotamia essay

mesopotamia essay

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Mesopotamia essay Commons. That writing system, mesopotamia essay, invented by the Sumerians, emerged in Mesopotamia around BCE. At first, this writing was representational: a bull might be represented by a picture of a bull, mesopotamia essay, and a pictograph of barley signified the word barley. An increasingly complex civilization encouraged the development of an increasingly sophisticated form of writing.

Cuneiform came to function both phonetically representing a sound and semantically representing a meaning such as an object or concept rather than only representing objects directly as a picture. This lesson plan, intended for use in the teaching of world history in the middle grades, is designed to help students appreciate the parallel development and increasing complexity of writing and civilization in the Tigris and Euphrates valleys in ancient Mesopotamia. You may mesopotamia essay to use this lesson independently as an introduction to Mesopotamian civilization, or as an entry point into the study of Sumerian and Babylonian history and culture.

Identify specific artifacts that demonstrate how the writing system in Mesopotamia essay was transformed. Analyze the purposes writing served in Mesopotamia with an emphasis on how those purposes evolved as the civilization changed. Evaluate the extent to which the development of systems of writing and the development of civilization are linked.

The earliest known civilization developed along the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers in what is now the country of Iraq.

The development of stable agriculture through irrigation meant people no longer had to follow changing sources of food, mesopotamia essay. With this stability farmers in the region were able to domesticate animals such as goats, sheep, and cattle. They successfully grew crops of barley mesopotamia essay other grains, from which they began to produce dietary staples and other products, such as bread and beer. As their agricultural practices became more successful, farmers were able to create surpluses.

In order to ensure the crop yield, a system of canals was dug to divert water for agriculture and lessen the impact of annual floods.

With these advances, a significant population of successful farmers, herders, and traders were able to move beyond subsistence agriculture. Mesopotamia essay series of successive kingdoms—Sumer, Akkadia also spelled AccadiaAssyria, Babylonia—built cities with monumental architecture, mesopotamia essay, in which trade and commerce were mesopotamia essay, and even early forms of plumbing were invented for the ruling class.

The development of trade was one of several important factors in Mesopotamia that created a need for writing, mesopotamia essay. The development of complex societies, with social hierarchies, private property, economies that supported tax-funded authorities, and trade, all combined to create a need for written records. The increasingly sophisticated system of writing that developed also helped the civilization develop further, facilitating the management of complex commercial, religious, political, and military systems.

The earliest known writing originated with the Sumerians about years ago. Writing was not invented for telling stories of the great conquests of kings or for important legal documents. Instead, the earliest known writing documented simple commercial transactions. The evolution of writing occurred in stages. In its earliest form, commercial transactions were represented by tokens. A sale of four sheep was represented by four tokens designed to signify sheep.

At first such tokens were made of stone. Later, they were created from clay, mesopotamia essay. Mesopotamia essay were stored as a record of transactions. In the next stage of development, mesopotamia essay, pictographs simple pictures of an object were drawn into wet clay, and these images replaced the tokens. Scribes no longer drew four sheep pictographs to represent four sheep. Instead, the numeral for four was written beside one sheep pictograph. Through this process writing was becoming disentangled from direct depiction, mesopotamia essay.

More complicated number systems began to develop. The pictographic symbols were refined into the writing system known as cuneiform. Eventually, writing became phonetic as well as representational, mesopotamia essay.

Once the writing system had moved from being pictographic to phonetic writing could communicate abstractions more effectively: names, words, and ideas. With cuneiform, writers could tell stories, mesopotamia essay histories, and support the rule of kings. Cuneiform was used to record literature such as the Epic of Gilgamesh—the oldest epic still known. Explain points of agreement experts have about interpretations and applications of disciplinary concepts and ideas associated with a compelling question.

Explain how changes in transportation and communication technology influence the spatial connections among human settlements and affect the mesopotamia essay of ideas and cultural practices. Analyze connections among events and developments in broader historical contexts. Use questions generated about individuals and groups to analyze why they, and the developments they shaped, mesopotamia essay, are seen as historically significant.

Identify evidence that draws information from mesopotamia essay sources to support claims, noting evidentiary limitations. This Crash Course World History video on Mesopotamia provides a quick, but comprehensive background to get students ready to investigate the materials and activities provided below. This first activity will introduce students to the part of the world where writing first developed- the area once called Mesopotamia, which was located in what is today the country of Iraq.

The earliest cities known mesopotamia essay arose in Mesopotamia, an area that is part of what is sometimes called the Fertile Crescent. Then use the Geography: Explore feature to investigate a variety of maps of the region by choosing them from the pull down menu. In this activity students will be introduced to the time period in which the first writing developed, and the major events which coincided with this development in ancient Mesopotamia.

The National Geographic, mesopotamia essay. Distribute the Timeline: Mesopotamia BCE activity which is available as a PDF for this lesson, or you can do this as an online activity. Note that the timeline covers an extended period, mesopotamia essay, not all of which will be covered in detail in this lesson. This activity will give students who have not had readings about the history of the Middle East, and specifically about Mesopotamia, the opportunity to gain some contextual understanding of the development of cuneiform writing, mesopotamia essay.

Mesopotamia essay students who have had the opportunity to learn about Mesopotamia this exercise will remind them of some of the major events in the history of the area. Distribute the Timeline Labels handout, which is available as a PDF for this lesson. If practical you may wish to project the timeline onto a screen or mesopotamia essay the timeline on the board.

As a class, mesopotamia essay, look through the labels. Divide the class into small groups of three or four and assign each group one of the labels. Students can scan through the two summaries of key events in Mesopotamian history that are available on the EDSITEment web resource Metropolitan Museum of Art:.

These timelines of key events mesopotamia essay be used by students to determine where each label should be placed and to indicate when certain innovations became important. Mesopotamia essay Cuneiform continued to be used in Mesopotamia well into the first millennium BCE, however, as this lesson is concentrating on the early development of the writing system the timeline in this activity will end before cuneiform writing mesopotamia essay to be used.

Moving in chronological order, place the labels on the timeline. Each group should work together to provide any additional information about the development that was in the event summary.

Challenge students to put together a simple narrative of developments in the Tigris-Euphrates River Valley based on the events in the timeline. What developments in the civilization would have been facilitated by or even require a system of writing?

In this activity students will begin to think about the development and urbanization of Mesopotamian civilization by thinking about the kinds of occupations that developed over mesopotamia essay. Students will also begin to think about the relationship between the evolution of civilization in Mesopotamia and how writing enhanced its development.

Students have probably already studied in their classes about the shift of human societies from the nomadic pursuit of game and wild vegetation, to settled cultivation, and eventually towards settled villages, towns, and cities, mesopotamia essay.

As societies became, first, mesopotamia essay, more settled as farmers, and then in certain places more urbanized as some populations became townsfolk, mesopotamia essay, what kinds of new tasks and jobs would need to be done? Ask students to return to their timeline worksheets.

Based on what students learned from the timeline activity, what do they think are some jobs that probably existed in ancient Mesopotamia: Farmer? Divide the class into small groups and have each group work together to create a list of jobs they believe might have existed in ancient Mesopotamia.

Ask each group to contribute one job to a running list that will be written on the board. You may wish to go around the room two or three times.

You can download a list of some occupations which were part of life in ancient Mesopotamia. This is mesopotamia essay a comprehensive list, but it will give your class an idea of what life in ancient Mesopotamia was like. You can use this list as a point of comparison with the list that the class has compiled. Students may be surprised to discover which occupations were mesopotamia essay were not part of life in ancient Mesopotamia.

Ask students to think about the following questions:. Discuss the occupations which would have required record keeping briefly. You may wish to discuss the role of the priestly class in ancient Mesopotamia, as elite, Mesopotamian priests had a far more expanded role mesopotamia essay society than students may have experienced with members of the clergy today.

The priests of ancient Mesopotamia were part of the ruling class, mesopotamia essay, and much of the tax money that was collected went to the priests and the temples. Next, have students discuss the following questions. You may wish to have them work together in small groups. The above video is an excerpt from the film The Cyrus Cylinder and provides an overview of the origins of cuneiform. In addition to the historical basis for these activities, this lesson is also about the nature of written language, how it evolves and how it serves civilization.

Ask the students the purposes of writing in mesopotamia essay world today. You mesopotamia essay wish to have them discuss questions mesopotamia essay as:. Next, ask them to imagine that in an instant all knowledge of alphabetic writing disappeared.

Only the drawing of simple pictures remained as the means of written communication. Have the class brainstorm: What would be some of the most mesopotamia essay things for which you would need signs?

Which objects, concepts and ideas are the ones you would make sure were standardized and learned right away? Review the list of essential signs that the class has mesopotamia essay. Have students create a few of them and mesopotamia essay them on the board.

Discuss examples of messages relatively easy to communicate with pictographs and others that would be more difficult. Writing in ancient Mesopotamia arose from necessity—specifically, mesopotamia essay, the need to keep records.

Gradually, civilization in the Tigris-Euphrates River Valley became more urbanized, mesopotamia essay. Eventually, a number of complex systems developed: political, military, religious, legal, and commercial.

Mesopotamia: Crash Course World History #3

, time: 12:06

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mesopotamia essay

Ancient Civilizations. The world as we know it today is built on the ruins of 10, years of advanced cultures. This collection will introduce you to some of the best-studied, including Greek, Roman, Mesopotamian, Mayan, Indus, and Egyptian The Capitoline She-wolf (Italian: Lupa capitolina) takes its name from its location—the statue is housed in the Capitoline Museums in She-wolf statue is a fully worked bronze composition that is intended for degree viewing. In other words the viewer can get an equally good view from all directions: there is no “correct” point of view The Babylonian empire controlled Mesopotamia and the eastern Mediterranean. In B.C., Persian forces defeated the Babylonian army at the site of Opis, east of the Tigris. Cyrus entered Babylon and presented himself as a traditional Mesopotamian monarch, restoring temples

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