The Gender Pay Gap in the United States: A Literature Review The following four question will endeavor to shed some light into what seems to be the root problem and what is the 1. 2. 3. 4. What is the gender pay gap? Where does the United States stand concerning the gender pay gap? What impedes equal pay between genders? Mar 28, · While the gender wage gap has been slowly closing, equal pay for women still needs to be remedied. Literature Review Education A wage gap exists between individuals who have a high school diploma versus those with a college degree. By completing a college degree, one will earn significantly more than those without a degree% Key findings of the literature review 1. The gender pay gap refers to the difference between men’s pay and women’s pay as a percentage of men’s pay. If the gender pay gap is 15% then women, on average, earn 15% less than men. Gender pay gaps can be either positive or negative, with a negative gender pay gap indicating that
Literature Review-The Gender Pay Gap Final | PDF | Gender Pay Gap | Equal Pay For Equal Work
The Gender Pay Gap in the United States: A Literature Review Sandra Contreras University of Texas at El Paso. Abstract The gender pay gap is an extremely important issue that does not receive the attention that it is due.
By not truly acknowledging the real issue, discrimination against women in the workplace continues. Throughout the years many have tried to excuse and justify the problem by calming that factors such as education and work experience explain the pay difference between genders. There is an abundance of gender pay gap a literature review surrounding this topic, it is talked about but there seems to be no real progress towards the settlement and conclusion of this issue. The government must take initiative, as the civilian population cannot deal with this enormous problem on its own.
The Gender Pay Gap in the United States: A Literature Review The following four question will endeavor to shed some light into what seems to be the root problem and what is the 1. What is the gender pay gap? Where does the United States stand concerning the gender pay gap? What impedes equal pay between genders? Should the government do more to end the gender pay gap once and for gender pay gap a literature review Figure 1: This graph shows the slow diminishment of the pay gap over the course of 56 years.
Source: Molla, R. Womens Pay Compared to Mens From to As a modernized country with high standards of living, political and economical stability, the United States is classified as a first world country. But even the most advance countries have issues one of these gender pay gap a literature review the pay gap.
In the article entitled Acknowledging Discrimination as a Key to the Gender Pay Gap by Hilary M. Lips, there is a lack of awareness of the gap. This is due in part to what Lips refers to as system-justification beliefs; attempts towards the validation of the gender gender pay gap a literature review gap by attributing it mainly to the choices individuals make, while down-playing the role of discrimination.
Currently there is no country in the world listed by the World Economic Forum where females earn more than 0. There is an apparent dilemma but, to address the problem, there first has to be and acceptance that there is an existing problem. There is an issue with the previous statement, that being that nothing can be done to remedy the problem is those who are being affected or bare witness to it, shield themselves from the wrongdoings by attempting to find vindications because they do not want to stand out from those around this as this could affect the image perceive of them by their peers; they want to stay with the status quo.
A large body of evidence suggest that people do not like to acknowledge that they are the either the perpetrators or victims of injustice, and that they create justifications to explain disparate gender pay gap a literature review. Lips Further unfairness is face by women as a study of gender inequality conducted on Wall Street showed that women are viewed as future mothers, this plus the rigorous hours worked per week have proven incompatible with family life thus women are often depicted as not being dedicated to their careers.
Consequently, they are often unnoticed and are given fewer promotions if they do have children as their attention is not solely focused in their work but divided with family responsibilities. This shows that society punishes women for starting families as they do not meet.
societies expectations and do not conform to the set stereotypes and thus they earn less money and are given fewer opportunities. Lips The United States is the leader in many sectors and industries worldwide. Being home to some of the top global brands such as Apple, Google and Microsoft and having one of the worlds most sizable and profitable economies, these amongst other things rank the United States as a world power.
The country prides itself with its many accomplishments, but despite the nations numerous achievements, there is something that this world leader and power cannot seem to attain and that is closing the gender pay gap and ensuring equal pay between genders, gender pay gap a literature review.
Stereotypes play an enormous role in this, as particular jobs are viewed to be only for women as they are having fewer earnings and are traditionally performed by women, men refuse to perform these jobs even if they are similar to those more traditionally masculine ones, gender pay gap a literature review. Social psychology has long produced theory and research that point to a human tendency to resist uncomfortable information and justify the status quo.
Lips Stephanie Cholensky states in her article The Gender Pay Gap: NO MORE EXUCES! that part of the problem as viewed by social feminist is the patriarchal conditions of society. Countries with greater gender equality tend to have smaller pay gap as well as less wealth inequality overall.
The gender pay gap indicated that we are far from an egalitarian society and that there is a lot of work to be done. Cholensky The civilian population alone cannot end Under the Equal Pay Act ofan employer in the United States can justify paying a male employee more than a comparable woman in a number of ways, the most general of which is that the differential is based on any other factor other than sex [of the employee] Lips The Paycheck Fairness Act of if it has gained Senate approval would have required employers to present sensible reasons other than, men will not accept the job due to the low salary thus women are given the job.
References Cholensky, S. The Gender Pay Gap: NO MORE EXCUSES!. Gibelman, M. So How Far Have We Come? Pestilent and Persistent Gender Gap in Pay.
Social Work, 48 1 Leutwiler, J. Statistical Analysis For Determining Pay Discrimination. Insights To A Changing World Journal, 4 Lips, H.
Acknowledging Discrimination as a Key to the Gender Pay Gap. Gender Pay Gap and Employment Sector: Sources of Earnings Disparities in the United States, Demography, 51 5 TRACKING THE GENDER PAY GAP: A CASE STUDY. Psychology Of Women Quarterly, 33 4 Open navigation menu. Close suggestions Search Search, gender pay gap a literature review. en Change Language close menu Language English selected español português Deutsch français Русский italiano român Bahasa Indonesia Learn more.
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Pay Equity - An essay on statistics, legislations and why women tend to work in low-paid jobs. How Predatory Debt Traps Threaten Vulnerable Families, gender pay gap a literature review. Trust In Leader And Self-Efficacy: The Impact on Organizational Commitment. Jump to Page, gender pay gap a literature review. Search inside document. Running Head: THE GENDER PAY GAP The Gender Pay Gap in the United States: A Literature Review The following four question will endeavor to shed some light into what seems to be the root problem and what is the 1, gender pay gap a literature review.
Gender Pay Gap in the US Column2 0. Running Head: THE GENDER PAY GAP As a modernized country with high standards of living, political and economical stability, the United States is classified as a first world country. Lips What impedes equal pay between genders? Running Head: THE GENDER PAY GAP References Cholensky, S.
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Gender Pay Gap
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the levels and changes in the gender pay gap. We also find that an unexplained gap remains and, moreover, that it has been sta-ble subsequent to a dramatic narrowing over the s. In the remaining sections, we probe what is known about the various factors that con-tribute to the gender pay gap, including the extent of and trends in these blogger.com: Francine D. Blau and Lawrence M. Kahn Key findings of the literature review 1. The gender pay gap refers to the difference between men’s pay and women’s pay as a percentage of men’s pay. If the gender pay gap is 15% then women, on average, earn 15% less than men. Gender pay gaps can be either positive or negative, with a negative gender pay gap indicating that Mar 28, · While the gender wage gap has been slowly closing, equal pay for women still needs to be remedied. Literature Review Education A wage gap exists between individuals who have a high school diploma versus those with a college degree. By completing a college degree, one will earn significantly more than those without a degree%
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