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The taming of the shrew essay

The taming of the shrew essay

the taming of the shrew essay

The Taming Of The Shrew Essay Words | 8 Pages. The Taming of the Shrew Essay On the The Taming of the Shrew’s very surface, it is seen as a misogynistic attempt to enforce gender roles and stereotypes by showcasing the transformation of a fiery, free-spirited woman to The play is essentially a comedy, and yet more serious questions about social issues often overshadow its comic features. How does humor function in The Taming of the Shrew? Note especially the two wooing scenes, by Petruchio (Act II, scene i) and Lucentio (Act III, scene i) Taming of the Shrew, a play written by William Shakespeare and 10 Things I Hate About You a movie that is based off of Taming of the Shrew are very similar and different. Both of these have their parts that are like a mirror to one another but then there are other parts that seem to be like a mirror from a circus

The Taming of the Shrew Essays | GradeSaver

Browse the database of more than essays donated by our community members! In the taming of the shrew essay to the television show, two different movies also discuss the present different adaptations of Katherine. The first movie is the Franco Zeffirelli adaptation starring Richard Burton and Elizabeth Taylor. This movie presents an adaptation in which Petruccio tames Katherine, but leaves it open for the viewers to interpret whether or not Katherine is just acting.

The other example I am using is a movie called 10 Things I Hate About You. This movie is a adaptation of the Taming of the Shrew. Although the directors have changed almost every part of the The taming of the shrew essay play, the underlying story is mostly the same. In this adaptation, both Kat and Patrick learn and change from each other, the taming of the shrew essay.

Though there are many adaptations and interpretations of Katherine and the way she turns out, she is not tamed, and she does not tame, instead, she is liberated, and learns to live and love.

deadline 6 hours Writers : ESL Refund : Yes. deadline 3 hours Writers : ESL, ENL Refund : Yes. Payment methods: VISA, MasterCard, American Express, Discover. There is much evidence, which supports the argument that Petruccio tamed Katherine. For instance, in the opening of the play, Katherine is very vocal and aggressive.

Men, women and children trembled whenever she came around, including her father and sister. An example of this is when Katherine is talking with her father about his love for her sister.

From the moment that Katherine and Petruccio meet, Petruccio vows to tame the shrew. He begins the taming process immediately. After Kate and Petruccio are married, Kate attempts to assert control in her life. Kate is struggling to remain in control of the situations in her life. Unfortunately for her, Petruccio will not allow it. Petruccio issues a challenge to anyone who assists Kate in her defiance.

He makes it know; too not just Kate rather to all that will listen; that she is his property and will do what he says. By the end of the play, however, she is presented as being mild and submissive to Petruccio, leading up to her greatest speech in the dialogue of the play.

Her speech leads the audience to see that this duty of the wife is one that is a repayment to the husband for all the hard work he does to support her, a debt that the wife could never possibly repay. Reasons, why Katherine might not have been tamed, can be found in the fact that the play takes place in what seems to be just a few days.

It is very unlikely that it is possible, since Katherine, by the opening of the play, is the taming of the shrew essay least 20 years of age and is very much set into her ways.

It would take much longer to cure Katherine of this attitude problem she possesses. With this in mind, it is very likely that Petruccio either liberated Katharine in how to control her temper, or she acted as if she had been tamed to get everyone off of her back, the taming of the shrew essay.

Instead, Katherine does come out, with Bianca under one arm and the widow under the other, the taming of the shrew essay. It was at this point that she delivered her speech quoted above. Now, if she was tamed, it is doubtful she would have come out with the other women in her grips.

I find that they no longer use these on each other, except for amusement, but to influence and gain stature and control to those around them. In the move 10 Things I Hate About You, there is much evidence that suggests that Patrick does not tame Kat as he is supposed to, but instead they learn and change from each other. Patrick is a rough and unyielding delinquent who is paid to take out and tame Kat. As Patrick is working to complete the job, the taming of the shrew essay begins to learn and understand why Kat is the way she is, a bitch.

He realizes that she is not quite as awful as others make her out to be, the taming of the shrew essay, and instead is just looking for someone who would understand what her. Katherine also learns from Patrick. She learns that though it is easy to be disappointed and hurt in life, she is not able to live life without feeling. Katherine had, refused to let anyone get close enough that he or she would be able to hurt her. When she let Patrick in, she realized that although someone has the ability to hurt her, it is not a reason to go through life without feeling.

She does, in some ways, become tamed as a result of her relationship with Patrick, but not tamed in the sense that she loses her identity. She is still her own person, and can still live her life the way she wants to, but is now able to let love and other people into her life. So far, the taming of the shrew essay, all the examples I have given have presented Katherine as the tamed, liberated or acting shrew.

I would like to present a different view of Katherine as something other than the one being tamed, and look at a modern interpretation that displays her as the tamer. For the first part of the show, the version follows the original Shakespeare text. There are some liberties taken by the writers of the show, showing some tongue-in-cheek humour.

The taming of the shrew essay, as the comedy progresses, an interesting twist is given — beginning when Petruccio and Katherine return to Padua for the wedding of Bianca and Lucentio.

It specifically occurs as Petruccio is confronting Baptista about receiving the promised dowry for wedding Katherine. To prove he had tamed Katherine, Petruccio states to her that the globe in the sky is the moon at noontime. For it is the sun. I beg you, look again. She states that what women truly want is for men to treat them with respect and they will receive the same respect in return.

In other words, Katherine was not the one needing to be tamed, but the brash attitude of Petruccio. In analyzing the taming of the shrew essay text of the play and seeing how different interpretations have presented the taming, that Katherine was not necessarily tamed, but instead realized that Petruccio was not going to accept her shrewish behaviour.

She realized that in order to make an awful situation work, she had to accept what Petruccio was offering, but on his terms. Katherine realized that by being obedient to Petruccio he treated her as an equal, she also realized she needed to compromise her nature to keep this man she was falling in love with, the taming of the shrew essay, which leads to her being liberated.

If Katherine had been tamed at this point, she would not have been aggressive towards the two ladies. In the play it would also be difficult for Katherine to pretend she was acting, she would have risked being discovered if she showed herself being aggressive with the ladies. I see it as Katherine was trying to show them that if they were the taming of the shrew essay to their husband, the husband would treat them as equal. I also find I have to agree with the Moonlighting version of the play, in a sense.

It has to be seen that if Katherine gave in some of her attitude towards Petruccio, Petruccio also had to give in some of his own attitudes. The attitude of showing respect and obedience and receive respect and equality, although carried to an extreme in the Moonlighting episode, can be seen in all the versions of the play discussed. She realizes that she does not have to compromise what she believes in, just how she goes about doing and saying something.

In conclusion, I believe that Katherine is not the only one who became liberated through the course of the play, but Petruccio as well. Both Katherine and Petruccio change throughout the play.

Their characters grow and expand throughout the play and in the end, they both become better people, Katherine released from her shrewish ways, and Petruccio released from his overbearing, dominating masculine personality. This content was submitted by our community members and reviewed by Essayscollector Team. All content on this page is verified and owned by Essayscollector Team.

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deadline 6 hours Writers : ESL Refund : Yes Payment methods: VISA, MasterCard, American Express. deadline 3 hours Writers : ESL, ENL Refund : Yes Payment methods: VISA, MasterCard, American Express, Discover. deadline 3 hours Writers : ESL, ENL Refund : Yes Payment methods: VISA, MasterCard, JCB, Discover.

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Taming of the Shrew Essay | Bartleby

the taming of the shrew essay

The Taming of the Shrew One of William Shakespeare's earliest romantic comedies, The Taming of the Shrew, focuses on the courtship and marriage of two sisters, Katharina and Bianca. While the play provides a somewhat lighthearted commentary on matrimony and the supposed The True Shrews to Be Tamed AnonymousEstimated Reading Time: 4 mins 4 rows · Mar 03,  · Essay on Taming of the Shrew 03 Mar, Free Samples, Shakespeare, William 1 In The Taming Of The Shrew Essay Words | 8 Pages. The Taming of the Shrew Essay On the The Taming of the Shrew’s very surface, it is seen as a misogynistic attempt to enforce gender roles and stereotypes by showcasing the transformation of a fiery, free-spirited woman to

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