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The removalists essay

The removalists essay

the removalists essay

 · The Removalists is a study of social conditioning: the way s Australia pushed people into ‘primitive’, inflexible roles, notably through authoritarianism. Through the interpersonal conflict between Ross, Simmonds, and Kenny, the play shows how the clashes between these conditioned roles leads to the perpetration and tolerance of violence.5/5(2) The Removalists express a number of attitudes about Australian society including those regarding police brutality and corruption, domestic violence, law and order, and anti-authoritarianism. The majority of ideas presented about these are accurate representations of the attitudes held by most Australians and are very relevant, even today April 17, by Essay Writer. Theatre reflects the society from which it springs, and in the case of The Removalists by David Williamson (), this reflection is an exploration of cultural and social issues of Australian society. Set in Melbourne in ’s Australian society, David Williamson investigates power, through the dynamics between men and women, and

The Removalists essays

One socio-cultural Is Australian society violent of its essence? Political do the forces of law and order rest on violence? Psychological do all of us have the kinds of aggressive instincts or behaviour patterns which Williamson depicts?

The ocker character used an exaggerated language that existed in the streets, the removalists essay. He had limited range of values and experiences a negative view of women, he drank excessively, vulgar. He disliked losing control of any social or work situation. He was egotistical bullying intolerant dominant and loud in conversation with others. His speech was lurid vulgar offensive and usually derogatory in a racist sexist tone.

The ocker usually had the removalists essay certain amount of self parody in addition to boorish, aggressive behaviour. The the removalists essay represented a satirical image of contemporary culture which was both comic and apparently authentic The reader naturally sympathises with the least competent character because of their vulnerability Ross appeals this way.

He is not concerned with psychological explanation or motivation of characters. They exist for the moment only. They have no past to offer insight into characters.

Williamson might also have considered what could be taken away from a person, removed from them reducing them to their lowest common denominator. These reductions occur as a consequence of violence, whether physical, verbal or psychological Kenny believes that his wife deserves to be physically beaten and attacked because she not completed domestic duties to her husband satisfaction, the removalists essay.

Their marriage was culturally typical acceptable almost tolerable. He uses this false concern as an excuse to dominate his wife. Kenny and Fiona exist as characters to depict domestic violence, the violence of men to women. Kenny is known as the typical suburban ocker whereas the Sergeant Simmonds is ocker at work.

Kenny fears losing control over his wife it is typical properties of ocker at home. He wants to assert physical dominance over his wife, the removalists essay.

Kenny is ultimately to die as a consequence of sustained violence. Fiona is vulnerable at the police station by the insistence of the Sergeant that she show her bruises. Kate becomes an accomplice in this degrading incident. Fiona is not as aware as her sister Kate. Kate appears to enjoy the flirtation. Kate represents culture and privilege. Simmonds detests Kate for her class difference.

Simmonds becomes self righteous and denounces her for immoral behaviour. A man who occupies a position of leadership in industry should not abuse that responsibility.

Ross is made to feel less than a man. He humiliates the removalists essay makes a mockery Simmonds is empowered by putting him down. He is deceptive tries to seduce the women. Near the play end the similarity between Simmonds and Kenny, they share beer together. They line up their similar values. Simmonds strikes a deal with Kenny to arrange a prostitute for him. The same misplaced dumping of anger that Fiona receives from Kenny. Ross is caught up in aggressive behavior.

The reader is willing to see Ross as inadequate but in fact. The fact that Ross is a victim of circumstance does not exonerate him. The removalist is a worker who is only concerned with himself and getting his money. The removalist is without compassion. The removalist removes human kindness. The removalist refuses to the removalists essay involved. His only concern is for money and himself, the removalists essay.

His job as a removalist gives him masculine importance and therefore credibility, possibly respect or so he thinks. The language used in The Removalists is brutal and bawdy and functions as verbal violence dominated by men.

The power struggle between them is fought the removalists essay aggressive, ridiculing languages and physic violence.

Clichés with sexual innuendo occur frequently and are used in retaliation. They use words the removalists essay advance their cause Simmonds coerces Kate into making herself sexuality available, the removalists essay. Kenny encourages Sergeant to lose his temper and can build a legal case against him, the removalists essay. Words are used to antagonise and provoke so that the accuser can achieve dominance. But in Kenny case, he punches him in front of women.

The crudity and cliché in the language is at times so excessive that do people really mean what they say. Sarcasm and mock-courtesy are also used by characters who want dominate another Kenny uses every verbal assault at his disposal while Simmonds and Ross use physical assault. Sergeant dominates his junior Ross in the same manner to overpower him.

The misogyny is perhaps the most glaring feature of the language. How each character speaks to another character reveals their position of power in the social order. Much of their language is cased in insult and verbal abuse. He gains cohesiveness of characterisation, themes and plot structure via the language. Violence is the dominant theme throughout.

Simmonds uses verbal and physical violence on Ross and Kenny. Later he is verbally manipulative with Kate whom he hopes to seduce. Masculinity: most of the violence perpetrated is about asserting masculine power both men and women.

Man is constantly referred to in relation to his sexuality and his sexual capabilities measure of his strength as a person and as a man. Simmonds and Kenny both have a strong will and sheer physical seniority brute strength, the removalists essay. Misogyny: The men within the play act in a predatory way. Fear of difference: psychology of these male characters is fear.

In fact almost every character is distrusting of each other. Kenny rebels against the authority of the macho police no respect for their authority. The most obvious class differentiation is noted between the offspring of the Simmonds and Kate. The Removalists: Summary. Accessed May 19, The Removalists: Summary Categories: Abuse Character Domestic Violence Law And Order Situation Psychology The removalists essay Verbal Abuse Violence, the removalists essay.

Download paper. Summary, Pages 5 words. The Removalists raised three fundamental questions: One socio-cultural Is Australian society violent of its essence? Characterisation: The ocker character used an exaggerated language that existed in the streets. Get a verified writer to help you with The Removalists: Summary. Top Writers. Verified expert. Cite this page The The removalists essay Summary.

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An Abusive scene from 'The Removalists' feat Breearna Mandla \u0026 Dallin Williams

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The Removalists: Summary Free Essay Example

the removalists essay

The Removalists express a number of attitudes about Australian society including those regarding police brutality and corruption, domestic violence, law and order, and anti-authoritarianism. The majority of ideas presented about these are accurate representations of the attitudes held by most Australians and are very relevant, even today The Removalists Poster of the Sydney production Written byDavid Williamson Date premiered Original languageEnglish The Removalists is a play written by Australian playwright David Williamson in The main issues the play addresses are violence, specifically domestic violence, and the abuse of power and authority. The story is supposed to Written by: David Williamson Word Count: The Removalists is David Williamson’s second play and his first successful one, and it demonstrates a firm hold on what constitutes effective drama, especially the

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