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An essay on responsibility

An essay on responsibility

an essay on responsibility

15/4/ · What Is Responsibility Essay Words | 4 Pages Responsibility Essay Responsibility in a person is a must as they can be more trusting and dependable if they have even the slightest amount of responsibility unlike those who don’t have any they can be lacking in many things and most people will see them as drags on society Responsibility entails our ability to make decisions that serve our interests as well as those of others. Therefore, an essay on responsibility has the following crucial aspects: An in-depth understanding of trust in life The critical consequences related to it Responsibility: A Brief Overview Responsibility refers to one’s ability to perform assigned duties and obligations satisfactorily. This entails taking care, being accountable and accepting the results of one’s actions, feelings and utterances

Best Responsibility Essays Writing Guide And Samples

One of the key factors that lead to success in life is being responsible. From childhood, my parents and the whole society at large have been pushing me to show responsibility through my actions, feelings and utterances. The question that is left begging is: What does responsibility entail? In my opinion, responsibility is making decisions that are mutually beneficial to me and the people that I interact with in everyday activities.

This paper shall define this term and evaluate its application in my personal life. Throughout my life, I have come to the realization that no matter how smart one is, an essay on responsibility, responsibilities play a pivotal role in the facilitation an essay on responsibility success in any endeavor. In addition, I have come to terms with the fact that as a human being I cannot be responsible for things that are out of my control.

I believe that responsibility is about an essay on responsibility opportunities, making the right choices and having control of different situations no matter how challenging they are, an essay on responsibility. It is my ability to respond appropriately by facing the world and actualizing my desires through personal choices. For example, my parents have always insisted that I exercise patience and discipline in all I do. They argue that these virtues make for a responsible person.

As such, I have always applied these virtues in all I do and as a result, people around me consider me as a responsible person. Be it at home or at work, responsibility is hinged on the realization that our actions contribute positively or negatively to the lives of those who rely on us, an essay on responsibility.

As such, failure to meet such obligations constitutes to us failing or letting them down. While man is to error, responsibility demands that we accept our failures because it is through such situations that one becomes more responsible.

For a very long time, I associated responsibility with blame. This is mainly due to the fact that people always demanded to know who was responsible for a particular mishap.

As a man, there are various duties and obligations that the society expects me to perform. Key among them is to excel in education. Education plays a significant role in character building.

This is because such a student performs successfully in the tasks given at school. My parents insisted that excellence in education leads to better responsibilities. I have witnessed this through my career, whereby I have to delegate duties and manage employees. In essence, I am responsible for them and they rely on me as much as I rely on them for success. Similarly, an essay on responsibility, responsibility is about balance.

A person who takes care of his family is viewed as a responsible man in society. This kind of responsibility is not based on his financial ability, but rather, on his ability to balance his work and family lives effectively. I remember my father telling me that I should not focus on my personal an essay on responsibility and forget my duties to those people that I care about.

As an example, he told me how a friend of his concentrated on his job so much that he ended up losing his family. One may argue that he was responsible at work by coming in on time, finishing tasks efficiently and before the deadline or even working overtime.

However, he failed his family and people in society viewed him as an irresponsible person. Personally, I have worked very hard throughout my life to become a responsible person. While I have succeeded in most areas personal health, hygiene, reputation and financesan essay on responsibility, there are numerous challenges that shake my confidence. One of the main challenges is dealing with people who do not care how their actions affect others.

I know that through our choices, we determine how our lives turn out. As such, dealing with an irresponsible person gives me grief. From this paper, it has been established that responsibility is not merely executing the tasks we are assigned, but also being brave enough to admit our mistakes and the consequences that arise from them. If people understand responsibility the way I do, they will make this world a better place even for future generations.

Need a custom Reflective Essay sample written from scratch by professional specifically for you? certified writers online. Select a referencing style:. Responsibility Definition. Table of Contents. Introduction Responsibility: A Brief Overview Personal view on the meaning of Responsibility Conclusion. Learn More, an essay on responsibility.

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Responsibility Foundation - What is Responsibility?

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Essay on responsibility: Importance of being responsible |

an essay on responsibility

The process of creating an essay about Responsibility generally consists of the following steps: understanding the assignment, identifying the topic, collecting information, organizing the information collected, developing the main statement, writing a draft Responsibility entails our ability to make decisions that serve our interests as well as those of others. Therefore, an essay on responsibility has the following crucial aspects: An in-depth understanding of trust in life The critical consequences related to it Being responsible refers to our ability to make decisions that serve our own interests and the interests of others. We first need to be responsible for ourselves before we can be responsible for others. In learning to be more responsible it is important that we know our limitations

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